Web Design » Canva » Why Is Canva Not Uploading My Video?

Why Is Canva Not Uploading My Video?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 1:02 pm

There are a few potential reasons why your video might not be uploading to Canva:

1. The file type is not supported. Canva only supports MP4, MOV and WMV video files. If your video is in another file format, you’ll need to convert it to one of these formats first.

2. The file is too large. Canva has a maximum file size limit of 100MB for videos.

If your video file is larger than this, you’ll need to compress it before uploading it to Canva.

3. You’re using a slow internet connection. Videos can take a while to upload, especially if you’re on a slow or unreliable internet connection. Try moving closer to your router or connecting to a different Wi-Fi network if possible.

4. There’s an issue with the video itself. If your video file isn’t playing properly, it could be due to an issue with the file itself. Try converting the video to a different file format using a free online converter tool.

If you’re having trouble uploading a video to Canva, one of the above four issues is likely the cause. Make sure that your file is in a supported format, under the maximum file size limit and try again.

PRO TIP: If you are experiencing issues with Canva not uploading your video, there are a few things you can try:

-First, check to make sure that the video is in a compatible format (MP4 or MOV).
-Next, check the size of your video. Canva accepts videos up to 100MB in size.
-Finally, make sure you are connected to a strong and stable internet connection.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.