Website Building » WooCommerce » How do I set up shipping in WooCommerce?

How do I set up shipping in WooCommerce?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:00 pm

If you’re using WooCommerce to manage your online store, then you’re likely familiar with the shipping options available. From flat-rate shipping to subscription-based shipping, there’s a shipping solution for just about everyone. But how do you set up shipping in WooCommerce?

The first step is to decide what type of shipping you want to use. WooCommerce offers flat-rate shipping, subscription-based shipping, and shipping labels.

Flat-rate shipping is the simplest option and works just like regular shipping. You specify the shipping cost, and WooCommerce takes care of calculating and charging the shipping fee.

With subscription-based shipping, you can set up a plan in which customers pay a set monthly fee for shipping. This is a great option for businesses that need to keep shipping costs low, as customers only have to pay for shipping once per month.

Shipping labels are a great option for businesses that need to ship large quantities of products. With shipping labels, you can create labels that list the items and the shipping address.

WooCommerce then takes care of shipping the products to the correct address.

PRO TIP: When setting up shipping in WooCommerce, be sure to properly calculate your shipping rates. Incorrectly calculating your shipping rates can result in lost revenue and unhappy customers.

Once you’ve decided on your shipping solution, the next step is to set up your shipping settings in WooCommerce. To do this, open the WooCommerce shipping settings page and click on the “Settings” tab.

From here, you can configure your shipping options, including the shipping cost, the shipping frequency, and the shipping method.

Once you’ve set up your shipping settings, you’re ready to start shipping products! To do this, first open your WooCommerce shop, and then click on the “Ship” button. From here, you can select the products you want to ship, and then click on the “Submit Orders” button.

WooCommerce will then calculate the shipping cost and submit the orders to the shipping carrier.


Setting up shipping in WooCommerce is a simple process that allows you to configure your shipping options and start shipping products. By following these steps, you can ensure that your customers have the best possible experience when ordering products online.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.