Web Design » Canva » Does Canva Use Hex Codes?

Does Canva Use Hex Codes?

Last updated on November 16, 2022 @ 7:15 pm

Yes, Canva uses hex codes to style text. By using the < p > tag, you can specify the color of your text using a hex code. For example, the code < p style="color:#ff0000" > would make the text red.

You can also use the < b > tag to make your text bold, and the < u > tag to underline your text. These tags can be used together to create some interesting effects. For example, the code < b >< u style="color:#ff0000" > would make the text bold and red.

So, if you want to style your text in Canva, hex codes are a great way to do it!

PRO TIP: Canva may use hex codes in some of its designs. Hex codes are a type of code used to create color values. They are typically six digits long, with each digit representing a different color. While hex codes can be useful for creating certain colors, they can also be difficult to remember and use. If you are not familiar with hex codes, we recommend that you avoid using them in your designs.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.