Web Design » Canva » How Do You Make Circle Stickers on Canva?

How Do You Make Circle Stickers on Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 2:01 pm

Making circle stickers on Canva is easy! Just follow these simple steps:

1. Start by creating a new design. You can either use one of our templates or create your own from scratch.

2. Then, select the “Shapes” tool from the left menu.

3. Next, click on the “Circle” shape.

4. Now, simply click and drag your mouse to draw a circle.

5. Once you’re happy with the size and position of your circle, let go of the mouse button.

6. To add text to your circle sticker, first select the “Text” tool from the left menu.

7. Then, click inside the circle and start typing.

8. To format your text, you can use the various options in the top toolbar, such as changing the font style, size, or color.

9. When you’re done, simply click on the “Download” button in the top right corner to save your design as a PNG file.

Conclusion: Making circle stickers on Canva is quick and easy! Just follow these simple steps and you’ll be done in no time.

PRO TIP: If you are looking to make circle stickers on Canva, be warned that this is not an easy task. The process is very complicated and time-consuming, and you will need to have a lot of patience and attention to detail to succeed. There are a few tutorials online that can help you, but they are all very long and detailed, so be prepared to invest a lot of time into this project.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.