Web Design » Canva » Is There a Paintbrush in Canva?

Is There a Paintbrush in Canva?

Last updated on March 28, 2023 @ 7:28 am

You may be wondering if there is a paintbrush tool in Canva.

The answer is no, there is no paintbrush tool in Canva. However, there is one simple way that you can achieve a similar effect.

That is to create a paintbrush-like effect is to use the Draw application tools.

To use this, first, select the “Apps” tab from the left-hand toolbar.

Then search for the “Draw” application and click on it.

NOTE: The Draw application in Canva lets you create simple sketches and drawings by freehand to bring your unique artwork idea to life.

In the new page that will appear, select the “Use” button at the bottom part of the page.

Once you’re connected to the Draw application, you can find there a variety of paint brushes that you can choose from. The paint brushes currently available are PenMarkerGlow pen, and Highlighter.

NOTE: These tools allow you to draw freehand. This is a good option if you want to create something that looks hand-drawn or if you want to have more control over the thickness of your lines.

Select one from the options available then, click and drag your mouse on the canvas to create a line of color. In this example, we will use the paintbrush to write on our canvas.

You can also change the size and transparency of your paintbrush. Just click on drag on the slider for each feature and set it according to your preference.

Lastly, you can change the color of your paintbrush by selecting one of the color boxes in the left panel.

Once you’re satisfied with your drawing, click on “Done” at the upper-left corner of the page.

And that’s all there is to it! Canva will then group your drawings into one image and you’re all set!

PRO TIP: There is currently a known issue with the paintbrush tool in Canva where it may not work as expected. We are currently investigating this issue and working on a fix. In the meantime, we recommend avoiding using the paintbrush tool or saving your work frequently.


So, while there is no paintbrush tool in Canva, there are still plenty of ways to create images that look like they were painted. Experiment with different tools and see what works best for your project.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.