Web Design » Canva » Can You Add Guides in Canva?

Can You Add Guides in Canva?

Last updated on February 26, 2023 @ 8:19 am

Adding guides to your Canva design is a great way to ensure everything is aligned perfectly. To add a guide, you can use the “Ruler” and “Position” functionalities of Canva.

1. Ruler

To use the ruler, first, select the element that you would like to adjust in position or size.

Then, click on the point in your design where you want the guide to appear and drag it to where you want it to end. The reddish line guides will automatically show you its alignment and distance with the other elements.

NOTE: The unit of measurement shown in this article is in pixels.

On the other hand, to change the size of your element, just click and drag on the pill handles. The current width and height measurements of the element will be shown while resizing.

2. Position Settings

If you would like to easily align a group of elements in your design, then you can use the Position settings. To do this, first, select the group of elements that you would like to evenly align, then click on the “Position” button at the top menu.

From there, choose from the options how you would like to arrange the position of your elements. If you want to simply arrange the overall spacing between them, choose the “Tidy up” option.

NOTE: You can also use the keyboard shortcut “Alt+Shift+T” for the “Tidy up” feature.

Now your elements are all in place!

PRO TIP: Can You Add Guides in Canva?

Adding guides in Canva can be tricky and may not always produce the desired results. If you’re not careful, you may end up with misplaced or unwanted elements in your design. Use caution when adding guides and be sure to check your work before sharing it with others.

Can You Add Guides in Canva?

Yes, you can add guides in Canva to help align your design elements. To add a guide, you can use the “Ruler” and “Position” functionalities of Canva. With the “Ruler” functionality, Canva will automatically guide and show you the alignment and distance between elements. With the “Position” functionality, you can choose from the alignment options available to arrange the position of your elements.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.