Web Design » Canva » Does Canva Publish Your Designs?

Does Canva Publish Your Designs?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 5:25 pm

As a general rule, Canva does not publish your designs. That’s because when you create a design with Canva, you’re the owner of that design – and that means you get to decide what happens to it, including whether you want to share it or keep it private.

Of course, there are a few exceptions to this rule.

If you choose to share your design with the world through Canva’s public design library, we may publish your design on our website or in our apps. We only do this with your permission and we’ll always give you credit for your work.

PRO TIP: If you use Canva to create designs, be aware that your designs may be published on the Canva website and/or in the Canva design library, unless you specifically select the “Private” option when creating your design. This means that your designs could be seen and used by anyone, without your permission or compensation. If you want to keep your designs private, make sure to select the “Private” option when creating them.

We may also need to publish your designs in connection with providing our services to you. For example, if you order prints of your design through Canva Print, we need to send your design to the printer.

And if you share your design with someone else using our “share” feature, we need to generate a link to your design so that person can view it. Other than that, we won’t publish your designs without your permission.

So if you’re worried about us publishing your designs without your say-so, don’t be! We respect your rights as a creator, and we’ll always make sure we have your permission before we do anything with your designs.

Conclusion: In conclusion, Canva will not publish your designs without explicit permission from the creator. There are some circumstances where they may need to publish the design in order to provide their services but other than that, everything remains under the control of the designer.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.