Web Design » Canva » How Do I Sell My Designs on Canva?

How Do I Sell My Designs on Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 6:48 pm

When it comes to marketing your business, one of the most important tools you have at your disposal is Canva. Canva is a free online design platform that allows you to create professional-looking designs for your business.

With over 1 million templates and tools available, it’s easy to find the perfect design for your needs. But what if you want to take your business to the next level by selling your designs on Canva?

Luckily, there’s a easy way to do just that. Here’s how you can sell your designs on Canva:

1. Create an account on Canva Pro

The first step is to create an account on Canva Pro, which is the paid version of the platform. This will give you access to all of the features you need to sell your designs, including the ability to set up a shop and add prices to your designs.

2. Choose the ‘Sell’ option when creating a new design

When you create a new design on Canva Pro, you’ll see a ‘Sell’ option near the bottom of the screen. This is where you can choose to sell your design as an individual file or as part of a set.

3. Set up your shop

Once you’ve chosen to sell your design, you’ll be taken to the shop page where you can set up your shop. Here, you can add a banner image, description, and other details about your shop. You can also decide how much you want to sell your designs for and whether you want to offer discounts for bulk purchases.

4. Add products to your shop

After you’ve set up your shop, it’s time to start adding products. To do this, simply go to the ‘Designs’ tab and select the designs that you want to sell.

Once you’ve selected a design, click on the ‘Add to Shop’ button and enter a price for the design. You can also add descriptions and tags so customers can easily find what they’re looking for.

5. Promote your shop

Once you’ve added products to your shop, it’s time to start promoting it! There are a few ways you can do this, such as sharing the link with your social media followers or adding a banner on your website. You can also use Canva Pro’s marketing features to promote your shop through email or ads.

Selling your designs on Canva is a great way to make money from your creativity! With just a few simple steps, you can set up a shop and start selling your designs today.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about selling your design on Canva, be aware that there are a few things you need to know. First, when you sell your design on Canva, you are giving up the copyright to that design. This means that Canva can do whatever they want with your design, including selling it to other people or using it in their own marketing materials. Second, because you are giving up the copyright, you will not be able to sell that design anywhere else. Finally, when you sell your design on Canva, you are agreeing to their terms and conditions, which state that they can change the terms at any time and that they are not liable for anything that happens to your design after you sell it.

How Do I Sell My Designs on Canva?

By following these simple steps, anyone can easily setup their own online store through Canva and start selling their creative designs.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.