Web Design » Canva » How Do I Change the Shape of an Element in Canva?

How Do I Change the Shape of an Element in Canva?

Last updated on December 7, 2022 @ 3:04 am

There are two ways to change the shape of an element in Canva. The first way is to use the “Freeform” tool.

With the Freeform tool, you can click and drag to create any shape you want. The second way is to use the “Custom” shapes tool. With the Custom shapes tool, you can choose from a library of pre-made shapes, or you can create your own custom shapes.

To change the shape of an element using the Freeform tool:

    1. Select the element you want to change.
    2.Click on the “Freeform” tool in the toolbar.
    3. Click and drag to create the new shape.
PRO TIP: If you are trying to change the shape of an element in Canva, be aware that this may change the size of your element as well. Make sure to resize your element after changing the shape to ensure that it still fits within your design.

To change the shape of an element using the Custom shapes tool:

    1.Click on the “Custom shapes” tool in the toolbar. Choose a shape from the library, or create your own custom shape.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.