Web Design » Canva » How Do You Draw a Curved Line in Canva?

How Do You Draw a Curved Line in Canva?

Last updated on December 23, 2022 @ 11:25 am

Drawing curved lines in Canva requires a somehow different approach from other design software. Just follow these simple steps to know how.

To draw a curved line in Canva, first, select the ‘Text’ tool from the left toolbar, then click the “Add a heading” option. A text box will be automatically added to your canvas.

To make a straight line first, type in the text box the underscore sign (_) as many as you want, depending on how long the line will be.

Next, select a font style that will give you the least spacing between the underscores. Here, we will use the “Bangers” font. You can also adjust the other settings of the line, like Line Weight and Color using the top menu.

NOTE: You can also explore other font styles for more options.

Once done, click on the “Effects” button at the top, then select “Curve” at the left menu which will appear.

You can adjust the curvature of your line using the curve slider below.

NOTE: A positive value will give you a curve opening downwards while a negative value will result in an upward curve.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that drawing a curved line in Canva can be tricky and may not turn out as expected. If you are not satisfied with the results, please try another method.

Finally, to adjust the appearance of your curve, you can use the letter spacing tool at the top menu. Just use the slider to adjust how much space you’d like to have.


No matter what approach you choose, drawing curves in Canva is easy and fun! Experiment with different tools until you find one that gives you the results that you’re looking for. And don’t forget – you can always adjust things like Line Weight and Color if you want to make further changes down the road.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.