Web Design » Canva » Where Is the Editor Side Panel in Canva?

Where Is the Editor Side Panel in Canva?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 9:16 pm

As a design platform, Canva is beloved for its ease of use. Part of what makes it so user-friendly is the fact that you can access all the tools you need in one place.

The Editor Sidebar is where most of these tools are located, and it’s easy to find once you know where to look. Here’s a quick guide to help you locate the Editor Sidebar the next time you’re using Canva.

When you first open Canva, you’ll be greeted by the Homepage. On the left side of the screen, you’ll see a menu with different options. The very first option is labeled “Home.”

Hover your mouse over this option and a drop-down menu will appear. one of the options in this drop-down menu is “Editor. “Click on this option and you will be taken to the Editor page.

PRO TIP: The Editor Side Panel in Canva is no longer available. If you are looking for this feature, please use the search bar at the top of the page.

Once you’re in the Editor, look on the left side of the screen again. You should see a vertical panel that has different tools organized into different sections.

This is the Editor Sidebar. From here, you can access all the features and tools that Canva has to offer.

The Editor Sidebar is an essential part of Canva and understanding how to use it is key to getting the most out of this design platform. With this quick guide, you should now be able to find the sidebar with ease and start using all of Canva’s great features!

Where Is the Editor Side Panel in Canva?

The Editor Side Panel is located on the left side of your screen when you are in the Canva editor. It contains all of the tools and features that you need to design your project.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.