Web Design » Canva » Can You Sell Canva Pro Designs?

Can You Sell Canva Pro Designs?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 10:05 pm

As a creative professional, your time is valuable. You can’t afford to spend hours designing something that someone else can do in minutes. That’s where Canva Pro comes in.

Canva Pro is a premium version of the popular design platform that offers users access to millions of high-quality images, fonts, templates and more. With a Canva Pro subscription, you can create professional designs faster and easier than ever before.

But what if you’re not a designer? Can you still make money from selling Canva Pro designs?

The short answer is yes! Even if you’re not a designer, you can still create beautiful designs with Canva Pro.

And with a little effort, you can start selling your designs to clients and earn some extra income. Here’s how:

  1. Join the Canva Pro Community

The first step to selling your Canva Pro designs is to join the Canva Pro community. This is a great way to connect with other designers and get inspired by what others are creating.

To join, simply sign up for a free account and then upgrade to Canva Pro. Once you’re a member, you’ll have access to the community forum and other resources.

  1. Create a portfolio

Once you’re a member of the Canva Pro community, it’s time to start creating your portfolio. This is where you’ll showcase your best work and attract potential clients.

To get started, simply create some designs using the millions of high-quality images, fonts and templates available on Canva Pro. Then, add your designs to your portfolio and make sure to include a link back to your website or blog.

  1. Start promoting your work


Yes, even if you’re not a designer, you can sell Canva Pro designs! Just follow these simple steps: join the Canva Pro community; create a portfolio; start promoting your work.

PRO TIP: Canva Pro is a premium service that allows users to create professional designs. As such, only designs created using the Pro tools can be sold. However, it is against Canva’s terms of service to sell any design that contains Canva Pro elements without prior written consent from Canva. Doing so may result in your account being suspended or terminated.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.