Website Building » WooCommerce » What are WooCommerce attributes?

What are WooCommerce attributes?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:21 pm

Attributes are a set of data that can be used to personalize the look and feel of a WooCommerce website. They can be used to add specific information about a product, such as the color, size, and quantity.

Attributes can also be used to create custom menus and widgets.

Attributes can be added to products, product categories, custom post types, and custom taxonomies. They can be added through the Attributes panel in the WooCommerce admin area, or through the Attributes API.

PRO TIP: WooCommerce attributes are used to provide additional information about products. They can be used for things like size, color, or material. While they are generally safe to use, there have been reports of users experiencing problems when using WooCommerce attributes. If you encounter any problems, please contact WooCommerce support for help.

Attributes can be used to create custom menus and widgets, and to add specific information about a product. They can also be used to create custom taxonomies.


Attributes are a set of data that can be used to personalize the look and feel of a WooCommerce website. They can be used to add specific information about a product, such as the color.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.