Web Design » Canva » How To Make Text Appear One by One in Canva?

How To Make Text Appear One by One in Canva?

Last updated on February 4, 2024 @ 9:10 pm

There are a few different ways that you can make text appear one by one in Canva.

One way is to use the built-in animation feature. To do this, first, create your design in Canva. Then, click on the “Animations” tab at the top of the screen.

From here, you can choose how you want your text to appear. You can make it appear all at once, one letter at a time, or one word at a time. You can also control the speed of the animation and whether or not it loops.

canva text animations

Another way to make text appear one by one is to use the “Text Boxes” tool. To do this, click on the “Text Boxes” icon in the toolbar (it looks like a capital “T”). Then, click and drag to create a text box wherever you want on your design. Type your text into the text box, and then click on the “Format” tab at the top of the screen.

canva text animate

A third way to make text appear one by one is to use HTML code.

Then, click on the “Text” tab at the top of the screen and select “Edit HTML” from the drop-down menu. A new window will pop up with your design’s HTML code in it. Find the section of code that corresponds to the text you want to animate, and then add the following code:

This is my paragraph of text.
This sentence will appear one letter at a time.
This sentence will appear one word at a time.

Save your changes and preview your design to see your animated text!

So there are three main ways that you can make text appear one by one in Canva – using the built-in animation feature, using the Text Boxes tool, or by adding HTML code. Try out each method to see which one works best for you and your design!

History of Text animation or Kinetic typographic

Animating text through the practice of kinetic typography is an art form that aims to heighten the text’s affective and interactive qualities in order to have a greater impact on its audience of readers. The text is revealed throughout the course of time, turning it becomes something temporal rather than static. There is a good probability that you have witnessed it in operation, even if you are not familiar with the phrase.

Timing and comprehension of each other’s perspectives are essential to effective communication between the reader and the author, just as they are in any other human connection. The capacity to convey feelings effectively is of critical importance in reaching that level of comprehension.

Text can take on some of the expressive features of cinema if it is presented over time, like a movie. For instance, the size of the text can be increased to signify that it is more important, the color can be altered to draw attention to specifics, and the position can be altered to signify where an item falls within a hierarchy of information.

Research conducted in the field of psychology has demonstrated that an increase in attentiveness to text that is given in this manner over time can have a beneficial effect on overall reading performance.

It is impossible to overstate the importance of feeling when it comes to effective communication. Because of this, a large number of different “emoticons” have been developed for usage in conjunction with texting and instant messaging.

In a similar vein, some more ways that emotion can be portrayed through text include the use of pacing to convey a larger or smaller degree of urgency, as well as bolding to convey tone. Both of these techniques are similar to those used in writing.

Importance of animations in a presentation

In a larger sense, multimedia technologies refer to the ability to deliver information to the user in an interactive manner through the interaction of several forms (texts, visuals, movements, sounds, and video files). What could possibly be more appropriate than animation design in this situation?

Hardware and software designed specifically for multimedia are what make up this technology. The different types of customers that are targeted by various types of multimedia products each have their own unique category that they fall into. Therefore, animation design is made with their assistance in order to attain perfection and cater to the audience to the highest possible degree in as many different ways as possible.

The following is a list of the primary advantages that can be gained from making use of animated objects:

  • Animation, as opposed to more typical diagrams, serves to deepen the viewer’s visual knowledge.
  • The animation process eliminates words and images that aren’t necessary.
  • It enables you to share thoughts in a clear and concise manner.
  • The use of animation as a method of communication can reduce expenses.
  • The audience is both informed and kept interested through the use of entertaining content.
  • It presents learning situations that are based on actual events that occur in daily life, in addition to plenty of other activities.
  • In addition to this, animation design gives you the power to convey any feeling in a clear and concise manner. We are all aware that the capacity of a brand to elicit favorable feelings in its audience and to bring happiness to that group is the most valuable asset the brand may possess. You are able to show the whole spectrum of your thoughts, ideas, and concepts in a variety of industries and in a variety of ways, such as marketing, advertising, business, and so on, through the use of animation.
PRO TIP: If you are not careful, you could end up with a lot of blank space in your design when using this technique. Be sure to use the alignment tools in Canva to keep your text tidy.


Another awesome tool that Canva provides is the ability to add animations to the text that you use in your projects. This option will take your projects to the next level and will make you feel like a real graphic designer.

What kinds of projects do you typically incorporate animated text into? Have you come across any hints or pointers pertaining to this topic that you would be willing to share with others? Leave your thoughts and contributions in the comments section down below!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.