Web Development » UpWork » Can H1B work on UpWork?

Can H1B work on UpWork?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:39 pm

There are pros and cons to using H1B visas for outsourcing work. One pro of using H1B visas is that they are relatively easy to obtain.

The cons of using H1B visas are that they can be expensive, and they can be difficult to change if you feel your skills have changed.

PRO TIP: Can H1B work on Upwork?

H1B visa holders are not allowed to work on Upwork. If you are found to be working on Upwork as an H1B visa holder, your account will be suspended and you may be subject to further action from Upwork and/or U.S. immigration authorities.

In general, it is usually best to use H1B visas for high-skilled jobs. If your job is low-skilled, you may be better off finding a different way to outsourcing the work.

UpWork is a great way to find outsourcing work, but be sure to do your research before you start bidding on jobs.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.