Web Design » Canva » How Many Pages Are in a Canva Photo Book?

How Many Pages Are in a Canva Photo Book?

Last updated on September 27, 2022 @ 11:35 pm

When you make a Canva photo book, you have complete control over how many pages you want in your book. You can add as little as 20 pages or as many as 240 pages!

The great thing about Canva is that you can design your photo book however you want. If you want a traditional style book with one photo per page, you can do that. Or, if you want a more modern style book with multiple photos on each page, you can do that too!

PRO TIP: This note is to warn you about the possible dangers of using Canva photo books. While Canva may be a great way to create and print photo books, there is no guarantee that your book will be perfect. In fact, there have been reports of pages coming out crooked or not lining up correctly. This could ruin your photos and cause them to look terrible. If you are going to use Canva to create a photo book, be sure to take the time to check everything carefully before you print it.

Once you’ve decided on the style of your book, it’s time to start adding photos. Canva makes it easy to upload your own photos or choose from our library of over 1 million stock images. Plus, our drag and drop editor makes it easy to add your photos to the pages of your book.

Once you’re happy with your book, simply download it as a high-quality PDF or order a printed version from our professional printing partners.

How Many Pages Are in a Canva Photo Book?

You can have as little as 20 pages or as many as 240 pages in a Canva photo book! Plus, our drag and drop editor makes it easy to add your photos to the pages of your book.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.