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What Size Are Canva Business Cards?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 12:05 am

There are a variety of business card sizes available through Canva, with the most popular size being 3.5” x 2”. This size is standard for most business cards and will give you plenty of space to include all of your important contact information. Other popular sizes include square business cards (which are becoming more and more popular) and mini business cards, which are perfect for handing out to potential customers on the go.

PRO TIP: Canva business cards are a great way to make a professional impression, but be sure to order the correct size! Business cards come in a standard size of 3.5″ x 2″, so be sure to order your Canva business cards in that size. Otherwise, you may end up with cards that are too small or too large for standard business card holders.

When it comes to choosing the right size for your business cards, it’s important to consider both the function and the aesthetics of your cards. For example, if you’re a graphic designer or photographer, you may want to choose a square or mini card so that you can include a sample of your work on the back. Alternatively, if you have a lot of information that you need to include on your card (such as your website, email address, and social media handles), a standard 3.5” x 2” card may be a better option so that your potential customers can easily find all of your contact information in one place.

Ultimately, the best way to decide on the right size for your business cards is to experiment with different sizes and see what looks best for your brand. Canva offers a variety of easy-to-use templates that you can customize to create beautiful, professional business cards in any size you desire.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.