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How does UpWork rank freelancers?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 9:50 pm

In this article, we are going to take a look at UpWork, one of the most popular online platforms for freelancers to find and work with clients. We will discuss how UpWork ranks freelancers, as well as offer some concluding thoughts on the matter.

How UpWork ranks freelancers

UpWork assigns freelancers a percentile score, which reflects their position on the platform in relation to other freelancers. This percentile score is based on a variety of factors, including the amount of work an individual has completed, the quality of the work, and the number of positive reviews an individual has received.

The higher up an individual’s percentile score is, the more competitive the job market is for that freelancer. For example, a freelancer with a percentile score of 80% would be considered competitive for jobs that require a percentile score of 50% or higher.

UpWork also assigns freelancers a reputation score, which reflects their overall quality and reliability as a freelancer. A freelancer’s reputation score is based on a combination of factors, including the number of jobs an individual has completed, the quality of the jobs, and the number of positive reviews an individual has received.

A high reputation score indicates that the freelancer is reliable and has a high level of quality work. A low reputation score indicates that the freelancer may not be reliable or have high quality work, and may need to improve certain areas of their work to be more competitive.

UpWork’s ranking of freelancers

UpWork ranks freelancers based on their percentile score and reputation score.

PRO TIP: Upwork ranks freelancers based on a number of factors, including but not limited to:
-The quality of the freelancer’s profile
-The freelancer’s past performance on Upwork
-The number of hours the freelancer has worked on Upwork
-The number of jobs the freelancer has completed on Upwork
-The freelancer’s hourly rate

Note that these are just some of the factors that Upwork takes into account when ranking freelancers. Therefore, if you’re looking to move up in the ranks, it’s important to focus on improving all aspects of your profile and past performance.

Freelancers with a percentile score of 80% or higher are considered to be in the top percentile of the freelancer population. This means that they have completed a large number of jobs and have received a high level of positive reviews.

They are also likely to be more competitive for jobs that require a percentile score of 50% or higher.

Freelancers in the top percentile are typically more expensive to hire than freelancers in the lower percentile, but this is not always the case. For example, a freelancer with a percentile score of 80% may be less expensive to hire than a freelancer with a percentile score of 50%.

Freelancers in the lower percentile are typically less expensive to hire than freelancers in the top percentile, but this is not always the case. For example, a freelancer with a percentile score of 50% may be more expensive to hire than a freelancer with a percentile score of 80%.

Freelancers in the middle percentile are typically more expensive to hire than freelancers in the lower or upper percentile, but this is not always the case. For example, a freelancer with a percentile score of 50% may be less expensive to hire than a freelancer with a percentile score of 70%.

Freelancers with a reputation score of 80% or higher are considered to be in the top percentile of the freelancer population.

UpWork’s ranking of freelancers is based on their percentile score and reputation score.

A high percentile score and reputation score indicate that a freelancer is reliable and has a high level of quality work. These scores are important, as they determine how competitive a freelancer is for jobs.

UpWork also ranks freelancers based on their reputation score. A low reputation score indicates that a freelancer may not be reliable or have high quality work, and may need to improve certain areas of their work to be more competitive. These scores are important, as they determine how competitive a.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.