Web Development » Fiverr » How do I complain to Fiverr?

How do I complain to Fiverr?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 8:38 pm

If you feel that you have been wronged by a Fiverr seller, there are a few avenues you can take to rectify the issue.

The first step is to assess the situation and decide if you feel that you have been treated unfairly. If you do, take the following steps:

1. Communicate your concerns to the seller.

2. If the seller does not seem to be taking your concerns seriously, reach out to Fiverr’s customer service team.

3. If the seller still does not seem to be taking your concerns seriously, consider filing a complaint with Fiverr.

Fiverr’s customer service team is available 24/7 to help you resolve any issues you may have with sellers on the platform. In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with their response, you can file a complaint with Fiverr.

PRO TIP: If you’re not happy with a Fiverr gig, we recommend that you try to work it out directly with the seller first. If you’re unable to come to an agreement, you can open a dispute.

Fiverr will investigate the complaint and take appropriate action.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.