Web Design » Figma » Where Can I Get Icons for Figma?

Where Can I Get Icons for Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 7:45 pm

There are a few different places you can get icons for Figma. The Figma community has a few different icon packs that you can use for free, or you can purchase icons from one of the many icon marketplace sites.

If you want to get icons for Figma for free, then your best bet is to check out the Figma community. There are a number of different icon packs that have been created by members of the community, and they are all available for free.

Simply search for “Figma icons” in the community section of the Figma website, and you will be presented with a number of different options.

PRO TIP: When looking for icons for Figma, be aware that there are many sites that offer free icons, but these may not be compatible with Figma. Additionally, some sites may charge for icons, so be sure to check the terms of use before downloading any icons.

If you are looking to purchase icons for Figma, then there are a number of different marketplace sites that you can check out. These sites typically have a wide selection of icons available, and you should be able to find something that fits your needs.

Some of the more popular marketplace sites include Iconfinder, Flaticon, and Icon8.

Where Can I Get Icons for Figma?
There are a few different places where you can geticons for Figma.

If you want to get iconsfor Figmafor free, then your best bet is to check out the Figma community. Simply searchfor “Figmaicons” in the community section of the Figmawebsite, and you will be presented with a number of different options.

If youare lookingto purchaseiconsforFigma,then thereare a numberof different marketplace sites thatyou cancheckout.Thesesitestypically havea wideselectionoficonsavailable,andyou should be ableto find somethingthatfits your needs.Someof themore popular marketplacesites includeIconfinder,Flaticon,andIcon8.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.