Web Design » Figma » What Is Autolayout in Figma?

What Is Autolayout in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 7:58 pm

Autolayout is a powerful and flexible constraint-based layout system that makes it easy to create responsive user interfaces. It is available in Figma on both Desktop and Web.

Autolayout allows you to position, resize, and align objects in your design using constraints. Constraints define how an object should behave when the window is resized or when elements are added or removed from the layout.

PRO TIP: This article is about Autolayout in Figma and how it can help you design better layouts. However, it is important to note that Autolayout can be a bit tricky to use, and if you’re not careful, you could end up with some strange results. So, be sure to read the article carefully and experiment with Autolayout before using it on any live projects.

Autolayout is particularly useful for building responsive interfaces that adapt to different screen sizes. It also makes it easy to support different languages, since the layout can be automatically adjusted to accommodate text expansion or contraction.

Constraints can be either relative or absolute. Relative constraints are based on relationships between elements, such as alignment or spacing. Absolute constraints are based on fixed values, such as width or height.

Autolayout is a powerful tool that can help you build responsive and adaptive user interfaces. It is easy to use and makes it possible to support different screen sizes and languages in your design.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.