Website Building » Shopify » What Are Shopify Core Values?

What Are Shopify Core Values?

Last updated on January 4, 2023 @ 6:24 am

Shopify is a Canadian e-commerce company headquartered in Ottawa, Ontario. It is also the name of its proprietary e-commerce platform for online stores and retail point-of-sale systems.

Shopify was founded in 2004 by Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weisel, and Scott Lake after attempting to open Snowdevil, an online store for snowboarding equipment. Shopify launched in 2006. Lütke, Weisel, and some of their friends took Shopify’s first summer trip to the Algonquin Park to work on coding the platform.

In June 2009, Shopify received $7 million in Series A funding from Bessemer Venture Partners and FirstMark Capital. Shopify then launched its App Store in October 2009. The App Store had 100 apps available for use by December 2009.

Shopify has been profitable since May 2010. In Q2 2011 it generated $8 million in revenue.

In February 2012, Shopify acquired Select Start Studios Inc., a web design company based in Waterloo, Ontario. The company launched POS (Point of Sale) apps for the iPad and iPhone in 2012.

In 2013, Shopify was named Ottawa’s Fastest Growing Company by the Ottawa Business Journal. The same year, the company launched its own payment gateway called “Shopify Payments” to replace other gateways such as PayPal and Google Checkout.

What Are Shopify Core Values?

Shopify has a set of core values that guide everything they do:

  1. Be Humble:

We put our egos aside and focus on what’s best for our merchants, our team, and our company.

  1. Listen & Learn:

We’re constantly listening to our merchants and learning from them so we can solve their hardest problems.

  1. Create Clarity:

We focus on delivering clarity to our merchants so they can grow their businesses.

  1. Always Be Shipping:

We take pride in shipping fast and often. We believe that merchants should have the freedom to experiment and innovate.

  1. : Grow Globally:

We want to help merchants succeed no matter where they are in the world. < p > These core values shape everything that Shopify does as a company, from how they treat their employees to how they design their products.[1]


PRO TIP: If you are thinking about starting a Shopify business, or are already running one, it is important to be familiar with the company’s core values. These values guide everything that Shopify does, from the way they treat their employees to the way they design their products.

While the core values are generally positive and helpful, there is one that could potentially be problematic for some businesses. The value in question is “be relentless.” This means that Shopify employees are always looking for ways to improve and grow their business. For some businesses, this can be a good thing. However, for others it can mean that Shopify is constantly changing things and making it difficult to keep up.

If you are running a Shopify business, it is important to be aware of this value and how it might impact your business. If you find that the company’s constant changes are causing problems for your business, you may want to consider switching to another platform.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.