Website Building » Wix » Is Wix Free Answer?

Is Wix Free Answer?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:02 am

Wix is a free website builder that allows users to create HTML5 websites and mobile sites through the use of online drag and drop tools. Wix is one of the most popular site builders on the market with over 110 million users worldwide.

While Wix is free to use, there are certain limitations to the free version that users should be aware of before signing up.


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

The biggest limitation of the free version of Wix is that users are not able to connect their own domain name to their website. This means that users will have to use a subdomain provided by Wix, which can make your website look less professional.

In addition, Wix displays ads on free websites, which can also make your site look less professional.

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Wix to create a website, you should be aware that there are some potential risks associated with doing so. First and foremost, while Wix is free to use, it is not a particularly good platform for creating professional-looking websites. Additionally, Wix websites are often not very well-optimized for search engines, which can make it difficult for potential customers to find your site. Finally, Wix websites can be somewhat slow to load, which can frustrate visitors.

Another limitation of the free version of Wix is that it only offers 500 MB of storage space. This can be a problem for users who want to add a lot of content or images to their website.

If you need more storage space, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Finally, the free version of Wix does not include access to some of the more advanced features that are available on the paid plans. This includes features like eCommerce, Google Analytics, and more.

If you need access to these features, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Is Wix Free?
While Wix is free to use, there are certain limitations to the free version that users should be aware of before signing up.

Paid plans remove these limitations:

  • You can connect your own domain name
  • No ads are displayed on your website
  • You get more storage space
  • You get access to advanced features like eCommerce and Google Analytics

Therefore, if you need access to these features, you will need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.