Website Building » Shopify » Can You Transfer WordPress to Shopify?

Can You Transfer WordPress to Shopify?

Last updated on January 7, 2023 @ 1:52 pm

WordPress is one of the most popular site-building and content management systems in the world. Shopify is a leading ecommerce platform. Both platforms have their pros and cons, but you may be wondering if it’s possible to move your WordPress site to Shopify.

The short answer is: yes, you can transfer WordPress to Shopify. However, it’s not a simple process, and there are a few things you should know before embarking on this journey.

Here’s what we’ll cover in this article:

  • Why You Might Want to Transfer WordPress to Shopify
  • How to Transfer WordPress to Shopify Manually
  • How to Use a Plugin or Service to Move WordPress to Shopify

Why You Might Want to Transfer WordPress to Shopify

There are a few reasons why you might want to move your WordPress site over to Shopify. Here are some of the most common ones:

PRO TIP: If you are considering transferring your WordPress site to Shopify, be aware that there is no one-click solution. You will need to export your WordPress content and then import it into Shopify. This can be a complex process, and it is recommended that you seek professional help if you are not comfortable with website design and development.
  • Shopify Has Better Ecommerce Functionality

    Shopify is first and foremost an ecommerce platform, whereas WordPress is a general-purpose content management system that happens to have some ecommerce functionality. If your primary goal is to sell products online, then you’ll likely find that Shopify offers better tools and features for doing so.

  • Shopify Is More Secure

    Shopify takes security seriously, and its platform is designed with ecommerce security best practices in mind. This makes it a more secure option than WordPress for running an online store.

  • You Can Save Time by Using Shopify

    While WordPress is a powerful platform, it can be time-consuming to set up and manage. If you’re looking for a way to streamline your website management process, then moving to Shopify might be a good option.

  • How to Transfer WordPress to Shopify Manually

    Step 1: Export Your WordPress Content

    1. The first step in moving your content from WordPress to Shopify is exporting it from your current site.Login to your WordPress admin area and go to Tools » Export in the left sidebar.
    2. “On the next screen , select what type of content you want to export from WordPress .” If you want ,you can choose only certain items . For our purposes , we’ll choose All Content.” Click the Export File button when you ‘re ready .
    3. A ZIP file will be downloaded with all of your content.
    4. Go ahead and unzip that file on your computer.
    5. Inside ,you should see an XML file with all of your content.
    6. Open that file in a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit.
    7. Do a search for “<code>” (without the quotes). You should see something like this :
      "http://example .com/?cat=1"..
      Replace that URL with your new Shopify store URL.
    8. Save your changes and close the file. We ‘ll use this file in Step 3

    Step 2 : Create Your New Shopify Store

    1. The first thing you need to do is sign up for a new Shopify site . You can do that by going here :
    2. Follow the instructions on how to build out your new store . When you ‘re done ,you should have something that looks like this :
      Take note of your new store URL because we’ ll need it in Step 3
    3. Now would also be a good time to test out your store front and make sure everything looks good before we start importing content from Word Press.
    4. When you’re ready, go ahead and log in to the back end of your new Shopify site.
    5. In your left side bar, go ahead and navigate to Online Store » Themes.
    6. On this page ,hit the Add Theme button n the top right corner.
    7. This will take you over to Theme Forest where you can browse through the available themes.
    8. When you find one you think will work for your store front, go ahead and hit the buy button.
    9. Follow the instructions on how to download and install the theme on your new Shopify site.
    10. Once you think every thing looks good and is working as it should be ,we can move on to transferring overall of your Word ress content to Shopfiy in Step 3.

    Step 3 : Import Your Content Into Shopfiy

    1. Now that every thing is set up on the back end of your new Shopify site ,it’s time to transfer over all of your Word Press content.
    2. Login to the your Shopify’s admin area and navigate to Online Store » Pages in the your left sidebar.
    3. Hit the your Add Page button in the your top right corner.
    4. On this page ,give your new age a title and then click on
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.