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What Is Interactive Components Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:42 pm

Interactive Components in Figma are a great way to add some flare and personality to your designs. They can be used to add interactivity to your prototypes, or to just make your designs more fun and engaging. There are a variety of different interactive components that you can use in Figma, and they range from simple buttons to more complex animations.

Buttons are one of the most basic, and most commonly used, interactive components in Figma. They can be used to trigger actions, such as opening a menu or going to a different page in your prototype. You can also use buttons to control playback of your prototypes, such as pausing or playing an animation.

PRO TIP: Interactive Components in Figma are a powerful tool that allows you to design and prototype complex interactions. However, they can be tricky to use, and it’s easy to make mistakes that can lead to unexpected results. Here are some things to keep in mind when using Interactive Components:

1. Make sure you understand how the different elements of an Interactive Component work together. In particular, pay attention to the order in which events are triggered, and how they affect each other.

2. Be careful when editing the properties of an Interactive Component. Changing one property may cause other properties to change as well, which can lead to unexpected results.

3. When testing your designs, be sure to test all the different ways a user could interact with the component. For example, if you’re designing a menu, be sure to test how it works when the user clicks on different menu items, or presses the back button.

4. Keep in mind that Interactive Components are designed for use with a mouse or trackpad. If you’re using them on a touch device, be aware that some interactions may not work as expected.

There are a variety of other interactive components that you can use in Figma, including:

– Sliders
– Dropdowns
– Input fields
– Toggles
– Carousels
– Tab bars
– And more!

Adding interactivity to your prototypes can make them more realistic and engaging, and is a great way to get feedback from users on your designs. Figma makes it easy to add interactivity to your prototypes with its wide range of interactive components.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.