Website Building » Shopify » How Do I Tag Orders on Shopify?

How Do I Tag Orders on Shopify?

Last updated on January 7, 2023 @ 5:45 pm

When you add a product to your Shopify store, you can add tags to it. Tags are keywords that you can use to categorize your products. You can add up to 250 tags to each product, and you can use the same tag on multiple products.

There are two types of tags that you can add to products:

  • Product tags
  • Collection tags

Product tags are keywords that you assign to products. For example, if you sell t-shirts, you might tag a t-shirt with the keywords “men’s t-shirt”, “blue t-shirt”, or “cotton t-shirt”.

Collection tags are keywords that you assign to groups of products, called collections. Collections can be used to group products by type, season, or any other criteria. For example, you might create a collection of all the t-shirts in your store, or a collection of all the products that are on sale.

You can use tags to filter your products in the Products section of your Shopify admin. For example, if you tag all the products in your store with the keyword “sale”, you can then filter your products by that tag to see only the sale items.

You can also use tags to filter your products in your online store. For example, if you have a collection of t-shirts and a collection of pants, you can use tags to let customers filter the products in each collection.

To do this, create a tag cloud. A tag cloud is a list of all the tags that you’ve used in your store, with the most popular tags appearing as larger words. Customers can click on any tag in the list to filter the products in the collection by that tag.

How do I add tags to my products?

To addtags to a product:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.
  2. Click the name of the product that you want to addtags to.
  3. In the Tags field, enter thetags that you want to addto the product, separating eachtag with a comma.
    (For example: men’s t-shirt, blue t-shirt, cotton t-shirt)
PRO TIP: If you are planning to tag orders on Shopify, be aware that there is a limit of 50 tags per order. If you exceed this limit, your order will be automatically cancelled.

How do I edit or remove tags from my products?

To edit or remove tags from a product:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.
  2. Click the name of the product whose tags you want to edit or remove.
  3. In the Tags field, do the following:
    • To change the order of tags ,drag and drop the separator to another position between two tags.
    • To edit tags ,click in the field and make the changes.
    • To delete a ag ,click the next to the tag name.

How do I tag orders?

You can use tags to your order sin Shopify .This is useful for organizing and filtering orders in reports and the Orders page.

Here’s how you can tag orders:

  1. through the Orders page in your Shopify admin
  2. through the order details of a specific order by clicking its number in the Orders page.
  3. From the Orders page tick one or more orders in the check boxes to the left of the orders on which you want to work then click More actions
  4. From an order detail page Add tags on the right side of the page
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.