Website Building » Shopify » How Do Variants Work on Shopify?

How Do Variants Work on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:54 pm

Variants are a key part of how Shopify works. By default, each product in Shopify has a variant called “Default”. This is the product that will be displayed on your shop’s frontend when customers browse your products.

If you want to offer different versions of a product (for example, different sizes or colors), you can create variants for each one. Each variant can have its own price, SKU, and inventory level.

To create variants for a product:

1. Go to the Products page in your Shopify admin. 2. Click the name of the product that you want to add variants to. 3. In the Add Variant section, enter a name for the variant (for example, “Small” or “Red”). 4. If desired, enter a SKU for the variant.

This is an identification code that you can use to track this specific variant in your inventory management system. 5. If desired, enter a price for the variant. This will override the default price that you set for the product as a whole. 6. If desired, enter an inventory quantity for the variant. This will override the default inventory level that you set for the product as a whole. 7. Click Save changes.

You can create as many variants as you need for a product. For example, if you’re selling t-shirts, you might have variants for size and color: Small Red, Small Blue, Medium Red, Medium Blue, Large Red, and Large Blue.

How Do Variants Work on Shopify?

Variants are a key part of how Shopify works.

If you want to offer different versions of a product (for example, different sizes or colors), you can create variants for each one.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Shopify and how it works, do not attempt to change any variants on your store. You could unintentionally break your store, which could result in lost sales and customers.

To create variants for a product:

  1. Go to the Products page in your Shopify admin.
  2. Click the name of the product that you want to add variants to.
  3. In the Add Variant section, enter a name for the variant (for example, “Small” or “Red”).
  4. If desired, enter a SKU for the variant. This is an identification code that you can use to track this specific variant in your inventory management system.
  5. If desired, enter a price for the variant.

    This will override the default price that you set for the product as a whole.

  6. If desired, enter an inventory quantity for the variant.

Click Save changes.

You can create as many variants as you need for a product.
For example, if you’re selling t-shirts, you might have variants for size and color: Small Red, Small Blue,
Medium Red,
Medium Blue,
Large Red,
and Large Blue.

Variants are essential to how Shopify works by allowing customers to choose different sizes or colors of products they want to buy on your site while still maintaining one central place – your shop – to make their purchase from.

Creating variants is easy: simply go to any given product’s page in your Shopify admin panel and click ‘Add Variant.’ From there fill out some basic information like pricing and inventory levels – if desired – and click save.

You can make as many variants of products as needed which makes organizing and managing your shop’s stock much easier than if everything was lumped together under one ‘Default’ product.

In short: variants make things more streamlined and easier both for customers shopping on your site as well as yourself when it comes time to managing what’s available in stock.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.