Web Design » Figma » How Do You Use Mesh Gradient in Figma?

How Do You Use Mesh Gradient in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:09 pm

Mesh gradients are a great way to add more depth and interest to your designs, and they’re easy to use in Figma. To create a mesh gradient, simply select the objects you want to apply the gradient to, then click the “Create Gradient” button in the properties panel.

In the gradient editor, you can add as many points as you want, and each point can have its own color. You can also adjust the opacity of each color, so that some colors are more transparent than others. This can create some really interesting effects.

PRO TIP: When using Mesh Gradient in Figma, it is important to be aware that the gradient will be applied to the entire object, not just the selected points. This can result in unexpected results if you are not careful.

Once you’re happy with your gradient, simply click the “Apply” button and your gradient will be applied to your selected objects.

How do you use mesh gradient in Figma?

Once you’re happy with your gradient, simply click the “Apply” button and your gradient will be applied to your selected objects.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.