Web Design » Figma » Can You Export Figma to After Effects?

Can You Export Figma to After Effects?

Last updated on November 25, 2022 @ 1:58 pm

Figma is a vector-based graphic design tool that is gaining popularity among professional designers. After Effects is a widely used digital video editing application.

So, can you export Figma to After Effects?

The short answer is yes, you can export Figma to After Effects. The file format that Figma uses is called .sketch, which is a vector-based file format that can be opened and edited in After Effects. In order to export your Figma file as a .sketch file, you will need to use the “Export As” function in Figma.

Once you have exported your Figma file as a .sketch file, you can then open it in After Effects and edit it just like any other vector-based graphic. You can use the various tools in After Effects to manipulate the graphic elements in your Figma file, and then export the final product as a digital video file.

PRO TIP: Figma does not currently have the ability to export to After Effects. While you can export PNG or JPG images from Figma, you will not be able to transfer your designs or layers over to After Effects.

So if you’re looking to edit your Figma designs in After Effects, the process is relatively simple. Just export your Figma file as a .sketch file and then open it up in After Effects.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.