An icon library is a collection of icons that can be used in your designs. It can be a great way to save time and increase the consistency of your designs.
There are a few things you need to do to create an icon library in Figma.
First, you need to create a folder in your project called “icons.” Next, you need to create a folder inside of the “icons” folder for each icon type you want to include.
For example, if you want to create an icon library for web applications, you would create a folder called “webapps” and put all of your web application icons in that folder.
Next, you need to create a file called “index.html” inside of the “icons” folder.
This file will hold all of the information about the icons in your library. You will need to include the following information in this file:
1. The path to the folder containing the icons
2. The path to the file containing the icon images
3. The width and height of the icon image
4. The URL to the icon font file
5. The URL to the icon image file
6. The icon type (webapp, icon, etc.)
7. The title of the icon
8. The icon’s alt text
9. The icon’s class name
10. The icon’s border width
11. The icon’s border color
12. The icon’s shadow color
13. The icon’s shadow depth
14. The icon’s fill color
15. The icon’s line width
16. The icon’s line color
17. The icon’s text shadow color
18. The icon’s text shadow depth
19. The icon’s text shadow offset
20. The icon’s font size
21. The icon’s font family
22. The icon’s font weight
23. The icon’s font style
24. The icon’s icon color
25. The icon’s disabled state
26. The icon’s hover state
27. The icon’s active state
28. The icon’s cursor type
29. The icon’s cursor color
30. The icon’s opacity
31. The icon’s transform property
32. The icon’s rotation property
33. The icon’s scale property
34. The icon’s skew property
35. The icon’s position property
36. The icon’s visibility property
37. The icon’s top property
38. The icon’s left property
39. The icon’s bottom property
40. The icon’s width property
41. The icon’s height property
42. The icon’s z-index
Next, you need to create a file called “style.css” inside of the “icons” folder.
This file will hold all of the styling information for the icons in your library. The path to the file containing the icon styles
1. The width and height of the icon styles
2. The URL to the icon font file
3. The URL to the icon image file
4. The title of the icon
5. The icon’s alt text
6. The icon’s class name
7. The icon’s border width
8. The icon’s border color
9. The icon’s shadow color
10. The icon’s shadow depth
11. The icon’s fill color
12. The icon’s line width
13. The icon’s line color
14. The icon’s text shadow color
15. The icon’s text shadow depth
16. The icon’s text shadow offset
17. The icon’s font size
18. The font family
19. The font weight
20. The font style
21. The icon’s icon color
22. The icon’s disabled state
23. The icon’s hover state
24. The icon’s active state
25. The icon’s cursor type.