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How Do You Show Guides in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 9:52 pm

Showing guides in Figma is a great way to align objects on your canvas. You can show guides by selecting the View menu and then selecting Show Guides.

When you have guides visible, you’ll see a thin line running through the center of your canvas. You can use this guide to align objects on your canvas. To move an object to align with the guide, simply click and drag the object until it snaps into place.

You can also use the guidelines to measure distances between objects on your canvas. To do this, hover your mouse over an object and then press and hold the Shift key.

While holding Shift, drag your mouse to another object. The distance between the two objects will be displayed in the bottom-right corner of your screen.

Guides are a great way to keep your canvas organized and tidy. By using the guidelines, you can ensure that all of your objects are properly aligned and spaced out.

PRO TIP: If you are not careful, showing guides in Figma can be a disaster. Make sure that you have plenty of space between the objects you are aligning and the guides. Otherwise, your objects will snap to the guides and you’ll end up with a messy design.

How Do You Show Guides in Figma?

To show guides in Figma, simply select the View menu and then select Show Guides.

When you have guides visible, you’ll see a thin line running through the center of your canvas.

You can also use the guidelines to measure distances between objects on your canvas.

Guides are a great way to keep your canvas organized and tidy.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.