Website Building » Wix » Can a Developer Use Wix?

Can a Developer Use Wix?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:59 pm

As a developer, you may be wondering if you can use Wix to create a website. While Wix does have some limitations, it is possible to use Wix as a developer. Here are some things to keep in mind:

Wix Code: Wix Code is a new feature that allows developers to create custom applications on the Wix platform. With Wix Code, you can access the Wix API, create database collections, and more. However, Wix Code is still in beta and has some limitations.


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

Wix Editor: The Wix Editor is a visual editor that allows you to drag and drop elements to create your website. While the Editor is easy to use, it does have some limitations.

For example, you cannot access the Wix API or create database collections.

Corvid by Wix: Corvid by Wix is an open development platform that gives developers full access to the Wix API. With Corvid, you can create custom applications, access database collections, and more. However, Corvid is still in beta and has some limitations.

Can a Developer Use Wix?

Yes, developers can use Wix to create websites. However, there are some limitations to keep in mind when using Wix as a developer. Make sure to check out Wix Code and Corvid by Wix for more information on how to develop on the Wix platform.

PRO TIP: While Wix may be a popular website builder, it is not recommended for developers to use. Wix is a closed platform, which means that developers do not have access to the code and are not able to make customizations. Additionally, Wix does not offer a robust API, which can limit the functionality of your site.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.