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How Do I Create Tags on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 7:49 pm

When you first start out on Fiverr, you may be wondering how to go about tagging your gigs. Luckily, it’s pretty straightforward! In this article, we’ll show you how to create tags on Fiverr so that your gigs can be easily found by potential buyers.

Creating tags on Fiverr is simple: just head to your gig page and look for the “Tags” section. Here, you can enter up to 5 relevant keywords or phrases that describe your gig. Be sure to choose tags that are both relevant and popular – this will help buyers find your gig more easily, and also ensure that it shows up in search results.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about creating tags on Fiverr, be warned that this is not a good idea. Tags are supposed to be used to help organize and find gigs, but they can actually make it harder for buyers to find what they’re looking for. This is because buyers often search for specific keywords, and if your gig doesn’t have those keywords in the title or description, it’s unlikely to show up in the search results. So, while tags may seem like a good way to categorize your gig, they could actually end up hurting your visibility.

Once you’ve chosen your tags, simply click “Save” and you’re all set! Now potential buyers will be able to find your gigs more easily, increasing your chances of making a sale.

So there you have it – creating tags on Fiverr is a quick and easy way to make sure your gigs are seen by potential buyers. With a few well-chosen keywords, you can boost your visibility and get more sales.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.