Web Design » Figma » Can We Animate in Figma?

Can We Animate in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:14 pm

Figma is a vector-based design tool that is gaining popularity among web and interface designers. One of the reasons for this popularity is Figma’s ease of use when it comes to creating animations.

In this article, we will explore how to create animations in Figma and whether or not it is a good tool for animation.

Figma has an intuitive interface that makes creating animations easy. The first step is to create your vector shapes and illustrations in Figma. Once you have your shapes created, you can add animations by selecting the “Animate” button in the toolbar.

This will bring up the animation panel where you can add keyframes and specify properties such as duration, easing, and delay. You can also add transition effects such as fading, scaling, or rotating.

PRO TIP: There are a few things to be aware of when animating in Figma – first and foremost, make sure that any layers you want to animate are on the same frame. Secondly, when creating your animations, be aware of how they will interact with any other elements on the canvas – you may need to create separate frames for different parts of the animation. Finally, when exporting your animation, make sure to choose the correct file type (GIF or MP4) and export settings (frame rate, resolution, etc.) to ensure that your animation looks smooth and plays back correctly.

One of the great things about using Figma for animation is that you can preview your animation in real-time. This means that you can make changes and see how they look immediately, without having to export and preview in another tool.

Figma also has a handy playback controls so that you can play, pause, or rewind your animation as needed.

So, is Figma a good tool for animation? We would say yes!

Figma’s ease of use and real-time preview make it a great tool for creating simple animations. If you are looking for a more robust tool for complex animations, however, you may want to consider another option such as After Effects.

In conclusion, we believe that Figma is a great tool for creating simple animations due to its ease of use and real-time preview feature.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.