Web Development » UpWork » Is There a Monthly Fee for UpWork?

Is There a Monthly Fee for UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:29 pm

As the world’s largest freelancing platform, UpWork connects businesses of all sizes with freelancers in nearly every industry. And it’s free to use! You only pay for the services you use.

There are three main types of services on UpWork:

1. Hourly – You pay for each hour your freelancer works, up to a maximum price you set in advance. For example, if you set your maximum price at $100 and your freelancer works 10 hours, you’ll be charged $1,000.

2. Fixed-price – You and your freelancer agree on a price for the entire project in advance.

This is typically used for larger projects that will take more than 20 hours to complete. For example, if you and your freelancer agree on a $1,000 fixed price for a project, you’ll pay $1,000 regardless of how long it takes your freelancer to complete the work.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about signing up for Upwork, be aware that there is a monthly fee for the service. The fee is currently $10 per month, but it could increase in the future. Make sure you budget for this expense when considering whether or not to use Upwork.

3. Recurring – This is similar to fixed-price, but is typically used for on-going projects that are billed at regular intervals (weekly, monthly, etc.). For example, if you have an on-going project that costs $500 per month, you’ll be charged $500 every month until you cancel the project or the contract expires.

There are no monthly fees for using UpWork – you only pay when you use one of the three services mentioned above. So if you don’t have any active projects or contracts, you won’t be charged anything!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.