Web Design » Figma » Can You Move Comments in Figma?

Can You Move Comments in Figma?

Last updated on November 26, 2022 @ 11:34 am

Comments in Figma are a great way to give feedback or leave notes for yourself and others on a design. But what if you need to move a comment to another location? Can you do that?

The answer is yes! You can move comments in Figma by selecting the comment and then using the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge it into place.

If you need to move a comment more than a few pixels, you can also use the align tools to align it with other elements on the canvas.

Once you’ve moved the comment to where you want it, you can use the lock icon in the top right corner of the comment to lock it in place. This will prevent accidental movement of the comment.

To move a comment:

  • Select the comment
  • Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge it into place
  • (Optional) Lock the comment in place by clicking the lock icon

To style text in HTML:

To make text bold:

This text is bold.

To underline text:

This text is underlined

To put text in a paragraph:

This is a paragraph of text. It will be displayed on its own line.

You can move comments in Figma by selecting the comment and then using the arrow keys on your keyboard to nudge it into place. If you need to move a comment more than a few pixels, you can also use the align tools to align it with other elements on the canvas.

Once you’ve moved the comment to where you want it, you can use the lock icon in the top right corner of the comment to lock it in place.

PRO TIP: If you move a comment in Figma, any replies to that comment will also be moved. This could cause confusion for other users if they’re expecting to find the comment in its original location.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.