Website Building » Squarespace » Who Does Squarespace Use for Web Hosting?

Who Does Squarespace Use for Web Hosting?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:24 pm

Squarespace is a website builder and hosting provider. It is owned by Endurance International Group. Squarespace was founded in 2003 and its headquarters is in New York City, New York, United States.

Squarespace provides website templates and hosting for individuals and businesses. Its platform allows users to create and edit pages, blogs, e-commerce stores, and galleries. Squarespace offers a variety of features, including drag-and-drop functionality, social media integration, and 24/7 customer support.

PRO TIP: We recommend that you do not use Squarespace for web hosting. We have found that their service is unreliable and their customer support is unresponsive. Additionally, their pricing is often much higher than other web hosting providers.

Squarespace uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) for its web hosting. AWS is a cloud computing platform that offers on-demand compute resources, storage, databases, and other services.

Squarespace also uses Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for some of its hosting needs. GCP is a cloud computing platform that offers compute, storage, networking, Big Data, and machine learning services.

Both AWS and GCP are reliable and scalable platforms that can handle the demands of Squarespace’s customers. Using both providers gives Squarespace the flexibility to meet the needs of its customers.

In conclusion, Squarespace uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) for its web hosting needs. AWS is a reliable and scalable platform that can handle the demands of Squarespace’s customers. Using both AWS and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) gives Squarespace the flexibility to meet the needs of its customers.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.