Web Development » UpWork » Does UpWork Have a Membership Fee?

Does UpWork Have a Membership Fee?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:33 pm

UpWork does not have a membership fee, but it does have a few features that you can purchase for a monthly subscription. These features include:

PRO TIP: Upwork does not have a membership fee, but it does charge a service fee for each job completed. This service fee is a percentage of the total amount charged for the job, and is paid by the freelancer. Upwork also charges a processing fee for each payment made by the client.
  • Unlimited Connects: With a monthly subscription, you’ll have an unlimited number of Connects to use when applying to jobs. Connects are used to submit proposals to jobs, and you get 2 free Connects per month. Additional Connects can be purchased for $0.15 each.
  • Featured Profile: For $10.99/month, your profile can be featured on UpWork, increasing your visibility to potential clients.
  • Risk-Free Trials: With a monthly subscription, you can take advantage of UpWork’s risk-free trial feature.

    This allows you to work with a client for up to 7 days with no payment required upfront. If the client is satisfied with your work, they can then release the funds to you. If not, no payment is required.

Overall, UpWork is a great platform with a lot to offer both freelancers and clients. The lack of a membership fee makes it very accessible, and the variety of features means that there’s something for everyone. If you’re looking for a flexible and affordable way to find work or hire talent, UpWork is definitely worth checking out.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.