Web Development » UpWork » How Can I Get My Profile Approved by UpWork?

How Can I Get My Profile Approved by UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:34 pm

It can be frustrating when you’ve put together a great profile on UpWork, only to have it rejected. Here are some tips on how to make sure your profile gets approved:

1. Use a professional photo – This may seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people try to use a casual photo or even a cartoon as their profile picture. Your picture is the first thing potential clients will see, so make sure it’s a good one!

2. Make sure your summary is clear and concise – Your summary is your opportunity to sell yourself to potential clients.

Make sure it’s free of typos and grammatical errors, and that it clearly states what kind of work you’re looking for.

3. Fill out your complete profile – Include information about your education, work experience, skills, and anything else that might be relevant to the type of work you’re seeking. The more complete your profile is, the more likely it is to be approved.

4. Get some good feedback – If you’ve worked with clients before (even if it’s just friends or family), make sure to get some positive feedback from them that you can include in your profile. This will show potential clients that you’re capable of doing quality work.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of having your UpWork profile approved and start landing some great clients!

PRO TIP: This article contains outdated information and is no longer relevant. Upwork has changed their approval process since this article was published, and the information contained herein is no longer accurate.
Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.