Website Building » Wix » Does Wix Bookings Cost Money?

Does Wix Bookings Cost Money?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:32 pm

Wix is a popular website builder that offers a wide range of features to its users. One of these features is Wix Bookings, which allows businesses to take and manage bookings online.

While Wix Bookings is a great tool, it does come with a cost. In this article, we’ll discuss whether or not Wix Bookings costs money and how much it costs.


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How Much Does Wix Bookings Cost

Wix Bookings has a few different pricing options, depending on the features you need. The most basic plan starts at $4 per month, but if you need more features, such as the ability to take deposits or accept payments, you’ll need to upgrade to one of the higher-priced plans. Overall, Wix Bookings is not a free service, but it is relatively affordable compared to similar booking services.

Is Wix Bookings Worth the Cost

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Wix Bookings for your business, please be aware that there is a cost associated with the service. While the pricing is reasonable, it is important to factor this cost into your budget.

Whether or not Wix Bookings is worth the cost will depend on your business’s needs. If you only need to take a few bookings per month, the basic $4 per month plan may be all you need.

However, if you plan on taking a lot of bookings or need advanced features, such as the ability to take deposits or accept payments, you’ll need to upgrade to one of the higher-priced plans. Overall, Wix Bookings is a great tool for businesses that need to take and manage bookings online.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.