Web Development » UpWork » How Often Do You Get Paid on UpWork?

How Often Do You Get Paid on UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 9:40 pm

As a freelancer, you’re in control of when you work and how much you work, which means you’re also in control of when you get paid. UpWork makes it easy to get paid for the work you do, with weekly or daily invoicing options and automatic payments. Here’s everything you need to know about getting paid on UpWork.

How Often Do You Get Paid on UpWork?

As a freelancer, you’re in control of when you work and how much you work, which means you’re also in control of when you get paid.

Here’s everything you need to know about getting paid on UpWork.

You can choose to be paid weekly or daily

UpWork offers two different payment options for freelancers: weekly or daily. With weekly payments, you’ll be paid once a week for all the work you did during that week.

Daily payments mean you’ll be paid every day for the work you did that day.

You can set up automatic payments

If you want to make sure you always get paid on time, you can set up automatic payments in your settings. That way, as soon as a client approves your work, the money will automatically be deposited into your account.

You can also choose to be notified by email each time a client approves your work and the payment is processed.

You can track your earnings and payments

UpWork keeps track of all the money coming in and going out of your account, so you can always see how much money you’ve earned and when those earnings were deposited into your account. To view your earnings and payments history:

1) Log into your UpWork account
2) Click the Work Diary tab at the top of the page
3) Click View Earnings History beneath your name
4) Select a date range and click View History

You can also find information about specific payments by clicking the Transactions tab at the top of the page and then selecting Payment History from the drop-down menu.

PRO TIP: If you’re considering becoming a freelancer on Upwork, it’s important to understand how often you will get paid for your work. Although payments are made weekly, if a client does not release payment within 14 days of the work being completed, you will not be paid until the client releases the payment. This can cause financial hardship for freelancers who are relying on timely payments to meet their own financial obligations.
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.