Web Design » Figma » How Do I Get Assets in Figma?

How Do I Get Assets in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:31 pm

There are a few ways to get assets into Figma. The first way is to upload them from your computer.

To do this, click the “Upload” button in the left sidebar. Then, select the file or files you want to upload.

The second way to get assets into Figma is to use the “URL” tab in the left sidebar. With this method, you can paste in a URL to an image or other asset on the web. Figma will then fetch and import that asset for you.

PRO TIP: If you are looking for a quick and easy way to get assets in Figma, be warned that this method may not be the most reliable. While it is possible to get assets in Figma by using the “Get Assets” feature, there is no guarantee that all of the assets will be available or that they will be of high quality. In addition, this method may take longer than other methods, such as downloading assets from the web or using third-party software.

The third way to get assets into Figma is to use the “Figma” tab in the left sidebar. With this method, you can search for and import assets from the Figma website directly into your project.

Once you’ve added your assets to Figma, you can use them in your designs just like any other asset. You can also style them using the various text formatting options available in Figma.

How Do I Get Assets in Figma?

There are a few ways to get assets into Figma, including uploading them from your computer, using the URL tab in the left sidebar, and using the Figma tab in the left sidebar. Once you’ve added your assets to Figma, you can style them using the various text formatting options available in Figma.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.