Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Change Mobile Menu in Squarespace?

How Do I Change Mobile Menu in Squarespace?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:39 pm

Squarespace is a popular website builder that allows users to create and customize their own websites. One of the features that Squarespace offers is the ability to change the mobile menu. This can be done by accessing the Mobile Menu section in the Style Editor.

In the Mobile Menu section, there are three options for how the menu will appear on mobile devices: hamburger icon, drop-down menu, or none. The hamburger icon option will display a three-bar icon on mobile devices that, when clicked, will expand the menu.

PRO TIP: Be careful when following the instructions in the article ‘How Do I Change Mobile Menu in Squarespace?’ as they may not work for all template types. Some templates do not have the same options available, or may be set up differently, so it is best to check with Squarespace support before making any changes.

The drop-down menu option will display all of the pages in the menu as a drop-down list on mobile devices. The none option will hide the menu on mobile devices.

After making your selection, be sure to click Save & Publish to apply your changes.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.