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How Do UpWork Disputes Work?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:15 pm

UpWork Disputes typically arise when a freelancer and client are unable to come to an agreement about the work that has been completed. The dispute process is designed to help both parties reach a resolution and is outlined in UpWork’s Terms of Service.

There are two types of disputes that can be filed on UpWork:

  • Cancellation Disputes – These disputes arise when a client cancels a contract or milestone and the freelancer disagrees with the decision. The freelancer can file a dispute to have the cancellation decision overturned.
  • Payment Disputes – These disputes arise when a client does not pay the freelancer for work that has been completed. The freelancer can file a dispute to have the payment released.

Once a dispute has been filed, UpWork will review the case and make a determination based on the evidence that is provided. Both parties will be given the opportunity to provide their side of the story and any relevant documentation. Once UpWork has made a determination, they will release the funds to the appropriate party.

If you are involved in an UpWork dispute, it is important to remember that you are still bound by the terms of your contract. This means that you cannot stop working on the project or take any other action that would violate the contract. Doing so could result in you losing the dispute and not getting paid.

How Do UpWork Disputes Work?

UpWork disputes typically arise when there is a disagreement between a freelancer and client about work that has been completed. The process is designed to help both parties reach a resolution and is outlined in UpWork’s Terms of Service. There are two types of disputes that can be filed: Cancellation Disputes and Payment Disputes.

Cancellation Disputes occur when a client cancels a contract or milestone and the freelancer disagrees with the decision. Payment Disputes occur when a client does not pay the freelancer for work that has been completed.

UpWork will review each case and make a determination based on evidence provided by both parties involved in the dispute. Once UpWork has made their decision, they will release funds to appropriate party. If you are involved in an UpWork dispute, it is important to remember that you are still bound by terms of your contract. This means you cannot stop working on project or take any other action which would violate contract—doing so could result in losing dispute and not getting paid

PRO TIP: If you are considering using Upwork to find freelancers, be aware that there is no guarantee of quality or satisfaction with the work provided. In addition, if you are not happy with the work, you may have difficulty getting your money back through the dispute process.
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.