Web Development » Fiverr » Which Size Is Best for Fiverr Gig Image?

Which Size Is Best for Fiverr Gig Image?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 8:46 pm

As a Fiverr seller, it’s important to have an attractive and professional Gig image. The image is the first thing potential buyers will see when they view your Gig, so it’s important to make a good impression. But what size should your Gig image be?

The recommended size for a Fiverr Gig image is 550×370 pixels. This size will ensure that your image looks clear and professional when displayed on the Fiverr website.

PRO TIP: When creating your Fiverr gig image, be sure to avoid using any text that is less than 12pt in size. The image will be resized to fit a variety of screen sizes, and small text can be difficult to read. Use clear, easy to read text to ensure that your gig image makes a good impression on potential buyers.

However, you don’t have to stick to the recommended size exactly. If you have a different size image that you think looks better, you can use that instead. Just make sure that the image is clear and easy to see, and that all the important information is visible.

In general, it’s best to avoid using very small images, as they can be difficult to see on the screen. If your image is too small, buyers may not be able to see all the important details, which could lead them to choose another Gig instead.

So what size is best for a Fiverr Gig image? The recommended size is 550×370 pixels, but you can use a different size if you think it looks better.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.