Web Design » Figma » How Do You Use Constraints in Figma?

How Do You Use Constraints in Figma?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:57 pm

Constraints are an important part of Figma. They allow you to control how elements resize and reposition themselves on the canvas. This can be useful when creating responsive designs or when you want certain elements to always be in a specific position relative to other elements.

There are two types of constraints in Figma: Auto Layout and Manual Layout. Auto Layout is the more flexible of the two and allows you to quickly create responsive designs. Manual Layout is more suited for when you need precise control over element positioning.

To add constraints to an element, select it on the canvas and then click the “Add Constraints” button in the Inspector panel. This will open the Constraints dialog, where you can specify how the element should resize and reposition itself.

In the Constraints dialog, you can specify which edges of the element should be pinned to other elements on the canvas. For example, you could pin the left edge of an element to the right edge of another element, so that they always stay next to each other.

You can also set minimum and maximum widths and heights for an element, as well as specify how it should resize if its parent container is resized. This can be useful for ensuring that elements always stay within certain bounds or for prevent them from getting too small or too large.

Once you’ve added constraints to an element, you can see them represented by blue lines on the canvas. These lines show how the element will resize and reposition itself relative to other elements on the canvas.

You can edit constraints at any time by selecting an element and then clicking the “Edit Constraints” button in the Inspector panel. This will open the Constraints dialog, where you can make changes to how the element resizes and repositions itself.

How Do You Use Constraints in Figma?

Constraints are an important part of Figma. They allow you to control how elements resize and reposition themselves on the canvas, which can be useful when creating responsive designs or when you want certain elements to always be in a specific position relative to other elements.

To add constraints to an element, select it on the canvas and then click the “Add Constraints” button in the Inspector panel. This will open up the Constraints dialog, where you can specify how the element should resize and reposition itself.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Figma, or if you are new to using constraints, we recommend that you read this article carefully before using constraints in Figma. Incorrectly using constraints can lead to unwanted results.

In the Constraints dialog, you can specify which edges of the element should be pinned to other elements onthe canvas. For example, you could pin the left edge of one elementto the right edge of another element, so that they always stay nextto each other.

You can also set minimum and maximum widths and heightsfor an element, as well as specify how it should resize if its parentcontainer is resized.

This can be useful for ensuring thatelements always stay within certain bounds or for prevent them fromgetting too small or too large.

Once you’ve added constraints to an element,you can see them represented by blue lines onthe canvas. These lines show howthe element will resizeand reposition itself relativeto other elementson the canvas.

Youcan edit constraints at any timeby selectinganelementand then clickingthe “Edit Constraints”buttonin the Inspectorpanel. This will openup the Constraintsdialog,whereyoucan make changesto howtheelementresizesandrepresents itself.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.