Web Design » Figma » How Do You Zoom in on Figma Menu?

How Do You Zoom in on Figma Menu?

Last updated on September 28, 2022 @ 10:58 pm

Zooming in on the Figma menu can be done in two ways. The first way is to click on the “View” menu and then select “Zoom In.” The second way is to use the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl++” (Windows) or “Cmd++” (macOS).

Once you have zoomed in, you will be able to see the different menu options more clearly. You can also use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out. If you zoom in too far, you can always click on the “Reset Zoom” button to return to the default view.

PRO TIP: Do not zoom in on the Figma menu. This will result in the menu becoming unresponsive and may cause you to lose your work.

The Figma menu is a great way to quickly access all of the different features and tools that Figma has to offer. By taking the time to learn how to zoom in and out, you can make sure that you are always seeing the options that you need.

How Do You Zoom in on Figma Menu?

Zooming in on the Figma menu can be done in two ways.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.