Web Development » UpWork » What Does Top Rated Means on UpWork?

What Does Top Rated Means on UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:22 pm

There are a lot of different ways to find good freelancers on UpWork. You can search by skill, by location, or by job type.

But one of the best ways to find good freelancers is to look at their ratings.

When you look at a freelancer’s profile, you’ll see their Overall Rating. This is an average of all the ratings they’ve received from past clients. You can also see the number of jobs they’ve completed, and how long they’ve been on UpWork.

You can also see each individual rating that the freelancer has received. These ratings are based on things like quality of work, communication, and meeting deadlines. And you can see what each client thought about working with the freelancer.

PRO TIP: When you see the “top rated” badge on a freelancer’s profile, it means they have a strong history of successfully completing projects on Upwork. But beware: not all top rated freelancers are created equal.

Some top rated freelancers are more expensive than others, and some may not have the skills or experience you’re looking for. Be sure to read a freelancer’s reviews and profile carefully before hiring them, to make sure they’re the right fit for your project.

So what does it mean if a freelancer is “top rated”? It means that they’re one of the best freelancers on UpWork. They have great reviews from past clients, and they’re usually pretty quick to respond to new messages.

If you’re looking for a good freelancer, take a look at their ratings. A top rated freelancer is a great choice for your next project.

In short, “top rated” means that the freelancer is one of the best on UpWork based on reviews from past clients. They’re usually quick to respond to new messages and have great communication skills.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.