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What Is an Agency Account on UpWork?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 10:24 pm

An agency account on UpWork is a great way to manage your company’s UpWork projects and freelancers. It allows you to create an account for your company, and then add team members to it. You can also add clients to your agency account, and manage their projects as well.

Agency accounts on UpWork have a few different features than regular accounts. For example, you can set up custom workflows, and use the UpWork API to automate tasks. You can also get agencies to help you with your recruiting needs.

What are the benefits of having an agency account on UpWork?

There are many benefits of having an agency account on UpWork. Firstly, it allows you to manage all of your company’s projects in one place.

This can save you a lot of time and hassle when it comes to tracking progress and deadlines. Secondly, you can use the UpWork API to automate tasks, such as sending invoices or tracking project progress. Thirdly, having an agency account on UpWork gives you access to a wider range of freelancers, as well as agencies that can help with your recruiting needs.

How do I set up an agency account on UpWork?

You can set up an agency account on UpWork by going to the Accounts tab in your settings and selecting Agency. From there, you will be able to create an account for your company and add team members to it. You can also add clients to your agency account and manage their projects as well.

In conclusion, an agency account on UpWork is a great way for companies to manage their projects and freelancers. It offers many benefits, such as the ability to save time by managing all projects in one place, access a wider range of freelancers, and automate tasks using the UpWork API.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about creating an Agency account on Upwork, there are a few things you should know first. Agency accounts are designed for businesses that want to use Upwork to connect with and hire freelancers, and as such, there are a few key differences between Agency and individual accounts. For one, Agency accounts have Their own separate login from individual accounts. Additionally, only the primary contact for an Agency account can post jobs, send messages, and make hires – other team members will need to be invited to join the account in order to do these things. Finally, Agency accounts have access to Upwork’s Enterprise features, which include things like custom contract terms and rate cards.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.