Website Building » Wix » What Is Lightbox Mode Wix?

What Is Lightbox Mode Wix?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:27 pm

Lightbox mode is a feature in Wix that allows you to display images, videos, and other content in a lightbox. When you click on an image, video, or other piece of content in Lightbox mode, it will appear in a lightbox.

PRO TIP: Lightbox mode on Wix is a feature that allows you to display your Wix site in a “lightbox” or popup. This can be useful if you want to display your site in a unique way, but it can also be problematic if you’re not careful.


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If you use lightbox mode on Wix, be sure to test it thoroughly before publishing your site. Make sure that all the content on your site is still accessible and that there are no problems with navigation. Also, be aware that some visitors may find lightbox mode annoying and may not stay on your site for long if they are unable to turn it off.

The lightbox will overlay the page and allow you to view the content without leaving the page. This is a great way to keep your visitors engaged on your site. You can also use Lightbox mode to create galleries of images or videos.

Lightbox mode is a great way to display images and videos on your website. It allows you to keep your visitors engaged on your site and makes it easy for them to view your content.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.